If you have been charged with a road traffic offence, such as drink driving, speeding, or careless drivingĀ the repercussions can affect you, your family and your livelihood. If you are due to appear in court with the prospect of losing your licence, Helena Brady solicitors can help you defend your case and represent you in the District Court and higher courts if required. While some offences carry mandatory disqualification other penalties may be reduced during the proceedings and disqualification periods may be reduced following the original Court decision.
Our experience covers the following motoring offences:
- Drink driving
- Dangerous driving
- Careless driving
- Driving without due care and attention
- Speeding
- No Insurance
- No Road Tax
- No Driving Licence
- No NCT Certificate
- Driving while disqualified
- All other Road Traffic Offences

No matter what you drive, talk to Helena Brady for the best advice on road traffic law.